This painting was inspired by the thriller “The Skeleton Key”, directed by Lain Softley. The story is based on a nurse named Caroline, who finds herself involved in a mystery related to hoodoo sorcery practices, which only have an effect on those who believe. 

This work captures the moment after Caroline was victimized by the hoodoo spell, which was the “key” of entrance to her body, by the figure that emerges through the lock. She was portrayed with an imposing pose and sense of accomplishment, combining sensuality and youth with mystery and mysticism, where the lock on her body appears as a portal to youth and prolonged life and the butterflies as a symbol of spirituality and transformation.

For me, this painting conveys a mixture of sensations, making us reflect on what we believe and what we don’t, and the impact these beliefs can have on our lives. On the other hand, we realize that what our eyes see may not be true.

Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimension: 50 x 40 cm / 15.74 x 19.68 inch
Year: 2021

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